Mrs Whelan 4th Virtual Sports Week 15th June 2020
Hi Everyone,
Thank you to everyone who tried the guided meditation last week for Wellness Week, I'm glad that it helped you to relax. Well done to everyone who tried out some of the wellness activities that were suggested.
Here is some of your lovely work and a fantastic video of Darragh playing the drums! He also put a lot of hours into building Lego Hogwarts from the Harry Potter series - brilliant! Lots of you are reading Harry Potter at the moment, keep up the great reading!
Just a reminder that this will be the final week of online learning. Well done to all of you who have worked so hard on assignments on GC over the last few weeks. I was very impressed with all of your effort and the work that you put in from week to week. Thank you to all the parents and grandparents who have been helping to add written work, photos and videos to Google Classroom, I know it has been challenging to get used to the technology, especially for families that have had to share devices and to work from phones.
I hope you enjoy trying some of the fun activities Mr O'Connell has organised for virtual sports week. Hopefully the weather will be good so you can try them outside, you can do a lot of them indoors too - just make sure to follow the safety instructions.
Don't forget to check in to the school website every day for new sports activities and to send your videos to or Whatsapp 0872333349.
Have a great week!
Anna Whelan