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St. Oliver's National School, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary

Letter from 1st class teachers

19th Jun 2020

Hello 1st class boys and girls!

So this is it!!! Our final weeks work for you to do! We feel happy and a bit sad too. Happy of course because it’s the Summer Holidays and sad because we can’t be with you on your last few days of 1st class.

You have done fantastic work in the last 3 months and we are so very proud of how you and all your families have coped in these very difficult times. The last weeks workpack is mostly fun things to do so see how you get on with them. Feel free to catch up on any pages of your workbooks that you didn’t get done, they might keep you busy on a rainy day!!

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your patience and understanding through these unprecedented times. Thank you for sending us your work and for the online work you have done.

Hopefully by late August/September we will be able to get back to some form of normality and we cannot wait to see you all back in school where you belong!

So for now 1st class we say goodbye, stay safe and most importantly have a wonderful Summer Holiday – you deserve it!!!

Mrs Lyons and Ms Larkin