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St. Oliver's National School, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary

Letter from Junior Infant teachers

29th Mar 2020

Hi boys and girls,


Miss Moore and Mrs Cullinan here, we hope you are all keeping well.


We have come up with some great activities that you can do while you’re at home


  1. Take a walk around your back garden and look at all the signs of spring. Can you find 3 signs of spring?


  1. Draw a picture of spring - think of all the signs that help us to know that spring is here. Think back to all the signs we talked about in school. We will give you a hint: leaves growing on trees, daffodils, lambs and busy farmers.


  1. Counting activities: count up to and back from 5. Then count up to 10. Set the table for dinner each day. Draw a robot, but there’s a catch - you can only use circles, triangles, rectangles and squares. Don’t forget to sing your shapes songs while drawing them!


  1. Find 5 things in your house that are glas (green) and 5 things that are gorm (blue).


  1. Make a card for your friend that you can bring into school and give to them when we are back in school.


  1. Take part in ‘PE with Joe Wicks’ on YouTube each day. You can catch it live at 9 am but don’t worry if you miss it at that time, they are uploaded onto YouTube so you can do it at any time that you like.



  1. Write all the words that you can think of from the “-at” and “-in” family.


  1. Count each animals and flowers on the spring picture below.




Make sure to keep asking if you can help out at home, as we know you are such good helpers. We cannot wait to see you all back in school soon!


Miss Moore and Mrs Cullinan