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St. Oliver's National School, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary


2022/2023 School Year

24th May 2023
The Check it Fits service is a full-time, nationwide, free expert service which...
12th May 2023
Congratulations to this week's winners: €50 Caitríona Askins €20...
11th May 2023
A massive thank you to all of the parents who participated in Maths for Fun over...
10th May 2023
We were delighted to welcome back past pupils Jason Ryan and Troy Dorney who were...
5th May 2023
Congratulations to this week's winners! €50  Elaine Kennedy €20...
4th May 2023
Congratulations to Layla from 4th class on her recent success at a Hip Hop Dance...
3rd May 2023
Many thanks to all of the parents and grandparents who have been partaking in our...