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St. Oliver's National School, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary


2015/2016 School Year

15th Mar 2016
Raffle day finally arrived in St. Oliver's N.S. and all our children had their fingers...
15th Mar 2016
The school population, board members, Fr. Hegarty and former members of the Defence...
14th Mar 2016
14th Mar 2016
Well done to all the boys and girls in both our 5th & 6th classes who put in...
14th Mar 2016
Bhí na daltaí ag rince agus ag luascadh sa halla inniu. Bhí...
10th Mar 2016
The boys and girls in Ms. Delahunty's Senior Infants were learning about volcanoes...
10th Mar 2016
5th class and some 6th class pupils visited Des Dillon's exhibition 'Wag Tail Water...