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St. Oliver's National School, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary

Parents' Association

The Parents’ Association is an organisation representing parents of children attending St. Oliver's N.S.
The Parents’ Association helps to improve and enrich the education of the children in our school and it supports their parents. The voluntary committee members work with the principal, staff and the board of management, building an effective partnership between home and school. The Parents’ Association is made up of parents of students, Membership is to all parents in the school. The Parents’ Association meets once a month during the school year/term.

The affairs of the Parents' Association are conducted by a committee of parents who are elected at its AGM, normally held in the first term, and to which all parents are invited to attend.  Examples of activities in recent years

(1) Graduation Mass for sixth class at the end of the school year

(2) Sports/Field Evening

(3) Healthy Eating Day

(4) The Mobile Farm Visits

(5) Grandparents’ Day celebration

(6) Fundraising 

(7) Halloween infant activity morning


Chairperson: Amy McLean

Secretary: Kiaria O'Regan

Treasurer: Ellen Ryan